Send / Receive Faxes through Email (Email to fax – Fax to Email)
Send / Receive Faxes through Email (Email to fax – Fax to Email)
ICTFax is an open source fax solution which helps in sending and receiving faxes via internet. ICTFax provides the facilities to its user to send or receive faxes through its Email to fax and fax to email services. User may send a fax directly from email to a fax machine or user can even receive fax sent through a fax machine in his email inbox by the use of ICTFax solution. Faxing is a very important task in daily life of offices and industries for sending and receiving legal contracts,important documents files and many other documents.
In old days to send a fax, a person had to type up a document, print it out, and scan it into the fax machine which sends it over the phone line. ICTFax is a web based solution which has eliminated the fuss of sending faxes through the old way. It enables users to send faxes through an email account (email to fax) and receive faxes as PDF,JPG,Tiff attachments (fax to email) in an email inbox. User don’t have to print the fax because he can even read that on the computer without printing it. This way ICTFax also save the cost of Paper and ink and additional fax machine and other hardware.
It is so simple to use ICTFax for sending and receiving fax.
Once your account is configured by ICTFax admin you can send your fax through Email to fax by this method :
From your user registration email address send an email with following values:
- To: faxnumber@FAX_DOMAIN.COM
- Subject: Anything
- Body:
- Attachment: pdf file
Press send and your fax will be sent.
NOTE: Attach only a single file.Every time create new email message and give unique email subject.Using Forward or Reply may confuse ICTFax system with some previous email subjects.
ICTFax is complete faxing solution that makes ICTFax a unique and innovative faxing solution.
ICTFax made it possible to send and receive faxes without ever touching an actual fax machine.With ICTFax faxing any document you create on your computer in PDF,JPG,TIFF file format can be attached into an email and sent to a fax machine which will become hard copy after print out.
ICTFax is an email to fax and fax to email gateway which supports G.711 faxing,PSTN faxing and FoIP, T.38 origination and termination. With ICTFax receiving a fax is as easy as opening email.You will receive an email with a PDF , JPG or TIF attachment to an email address you specify in ICTFax.You may also access your faxes by logging into your ICTFax account anytime from anywhere around the world.
ICTFax enables user to send file from email to fax machine through email to fax service .User can also receive fax in the email account as a PDF file format through fax to email process.
To Receive fax by Fax To email :
- You will provide your email address to Admin .
- Admin will create your account and provide you a DID number that you will use as your fax number .
- DID number which is assigned to you by the admin will be in the form of faxnumber@FAX_DOMAIN.COM.This is the address where your faxes will be sent.
- All the faxes sent on this address will come in your mail inbox.
ICTFax have the following features:
- Fax to Web
- Web to Fax
- Email to Fax
- Fax to Email
- Download received Fax in PDF Format
- TIF, PDF, TXT, JPG, GIF, PNG formats supported
- Ajax based Phonebook support /Import unlimited phone number in CSV format
- PSTN based Fax Origination / Termination / Gateway
- Multi-tenant with unlimited users support
- G.711 based Fax Origination / Termination / Gateway
- T.38 based Fax Origination / Termination