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Installation Guides


Installation Guide

Following are Manual installation instructions

ICTFax Installation

ICTFax is a unique and complete solution featuring Mass faxing. Email to Fax, Web to Fax, Fax to Email and Fax over IP server with ATA / Rest API support

1. Install Basic System Requirements

  • Apache 2
  • MySQL 5 | MariaDB 10.3.28
  • PHP 5.3.3 | PHP 7.4
  • ICTCore
  • Sendmail
  • FreeSWITCH
To install above requirements, first of all we need to install their respective repositories

yum install -y
yum install -y epel-release 

SignalWire Personal Access Tokens (PAT)s are required to access FreeSWITCH install packages.

click the below link and follow the steps to create signalwire account and add personal access token. after this replace your signalwire username and personal access token in below first and second commands respectively.

How To Create a SignalWire Personal Access Token

echo "signalwire" > /etc/yum/vars/signalwireusername
echo "TOKEN" > /etc/yum/vars/signalwiretoken
yum install -y https://$(< /etc/yum/vars/signalwireusername):$(< /etc/yum/vars/signalwiretoken) epel-release

Disable SELinux, before proceeding further, Check the SELinux state by:


and then disable with

setenforce 0

If the output is either permissive or disabled, skip this task and follow the instructions given below, otherwise disable it first and then follow the instructions:

2. ICTCore Installation

ICTCore is main dependency of ICTFax, If you have proper repositories pre installed (see above) then all other dependencies will be installed along with ICTCore. We just need to issue following command:

yum -y install ictcore ictcore-fax ictcore-email ictcore-voice

Setup ICTFax Database

Login to mysql and enter these commands one by one:

USE ictfax;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ictfax.* TO ictfaxuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'plsChangeIt';
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/database.sql;
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/fax.sql;
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/email.sql;
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/voice.sql;
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_user.sql;
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_admin.sql;
SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/data/demo_users.sql;

Now update /usr/ictcore/etc/ictcore.conf files with database credential as per above created database.

Open the file ictcore.conf and find out the [db] section and replace user, password and database name in the following lines:

user = ictfaxuser
pass = plsChangeIt
name = ictfax

3. ICTFax Installation

Now install ICTFax web interface

yum install ictfax

configure the document root in apache “/usr/ictfax”

open the apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and then search for document root. replace existing document /usr/ictbroadcast/wwwroot to /usr/ictfax and save the file.

Now Restart the apache by typing the following command in the terminal

service httpd restart

Now visit http://yourdomain/ictfax in your browser

Default Username : Default Password : helloAdmin

Login by entering the default admin and password, which we provided you. Go to the administration panel, which is placed on the bottom of the side bar on left. Create a new user or edit the existing.

You can configure providers and accounts too. For further details visit Admin guide.

4. Email to Fax / Fax to Email service (optional)

make sure that your desired domain’s MX records are properly configured for email2fax server.

enable sendmail to listen on public ip address look for following line in /etc/mail/

DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

and change line mentioned above into

DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp, Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

Add ictcore and apache to list of trusted user

echo "ictcore" >> /etc/mail/trusted-users
echo "apache" >> /etc/mail/trusted-users

Add your domain name in allowed local domain list to let sendmail receive mails for that domain

echo "FAX_DOMAIN.COM" >> /etc/mail/local-host-names

route all mails for none-existing addresses into ictcore mailbox so we can receive emails for addresses like xyz_number@FAX_DOMAIN.COM

echo '@FAX_DOMAIN.COM ictcore' >> /etc/mail/virtusertable

to apply email related changes


restart sendmail service so changes can take affect

chkconfig sendmail on
service sendmail restart

edit /usr/ictcore/etc/ictcore.conf and update mailbox section like following

folder = /var/spool/email/ictcore

NOTE: make sure that port (25) is not blocked by firewall. if so execute following line to allow smtp port in firewall:

/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT    # smtp
/etc/init.d/iptables save

Check dialplan table from MySQL, run following command. if nothing in dialplan table

cd /usr/ictcore/bin/sendmail

Now you are ready to send faxes through your email. See Admin / User Guide for further details.

Install SSL Certificate

Install following package in Server

yum-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-extras rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional


yum install certbot python2-certbot-apache

Add VirtualHost in httpd.conf file

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

then add following lines in httpd.conf file

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/usr/ictfax"

restart Apache service

service httpd restart

Now that Certbot is installed, you can use it to request an SSL certificate for your domain.

certbot --apache
To install above requirements, first of all we need to install their respective repositories

disable the current PHP version

yum module disable php:7.2

Install Remi-repo

yum install dnf-utils

enable the PHP Remi 7.4

yum module enable php:remi-7.4

install the Okey repository for FreeSWITCH from this link

rpm -ivh

Install ICT-Release

yum install

download ICTCore package by yum command directly.

yum install ictcore ictcore-fax ictcore-email ictcore-voice ictcore-freeswitch

download ICTFax from Yum command.

yum install ictfax --nodeps

Install FastCGI Process Manager

yum install php php-fpm php-gd php-mysqlnd

configure the document root in apache “/usr/ictfax”Open the apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and then search for document root. replace existing document /usr/ictbroadcast/wwwroot to /usr/ictfax and save the file.

uncomment “LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/” and comment this line “LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/” from this file /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf

change PHP_ADMIN_VALUE open_basedir line into

SetEnv PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir = /usr/ictcore/:/usr/bin:/bin:/tmp/"

install Imagic

yum install -y ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
pecl install imagick
echo "" > /etc/php.d/imagick.ini

install mcrypt

yum install--enablerepo=epel php-devel php-pear libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel
pecl install mcrypt
echo '' > /etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini

install imap

yum install php-imap

disable selinux

setenforce 0

restart the apache service
restart php-fpm service

service httpd restart
service php-fpm restart

install the ictfax database

USE ictfax;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ictfax.* TO ictfaxuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'plsChangeIt';
source /usr/ictcore/db/database.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/email.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/fax.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/voice.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_user.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_admin.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/data/demo_users.sql;

Open the file /etc/ictcore.conf and find out the [db] section and replace user, password and database name in the following lines:

user = ictfaxuser
pass = plsChangeIt
name = ictfax

Run following command for email to fax configuration

cd /usr/ictcore/bin/sendmail

configure the email-2-fax and fax-2-service, following the guide “4. EMAIL TO FAX / FAX TO EMAIL SERVICE (OPTIONAL)” from this link

echo "ictcore">> /etc/mail/trusted-users
echo "apache">> /etc/mail/trusted-users
echo "FAX_DOMAIN.COM">> /etc/mail/local-host-names
echo '@FAX_DOMAIN.COM ictcore'>> /etc/mail/virtusertable

to apply email related changes


restart sendmail service so changes can take affect

chkconfig sendmail on
service sendmail restart

in case if document not uploading then install “libtiff-tools” package

yum install libtiff-tools

How to start and stop the FreeSWITCH

run this command “freeswitch -nc” for background run

delete pid of FreeSWITCH to stop the FreeSWITCH service

ps -A | grep freeswitch
19892 freeswitch
kill -919892

enter into freeswitch


enable sip debug

sofia global siptrace on

Additional Configuration

update listen_ip with in /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml file

restart freeswitch with service command

by-default freeswitch will not restart with

service freeswitch restart

command in cenots 8 / rocky linux 8. Therefore install the following codes for it

cat <<EOF | sudotee /etc/systemd/system/freeswitch.service
; service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/freeswitch-ncwait ${DAEMON_OPTS}
; exec

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start freeswitch
sudo systemctl enable freeswitch

Install SSL Certificate

To add the CentOS 8 EPEL repository, run the following command:

yum install epel-release

Now that you have access to the repository, install all of the required packages:

 yum install certbot python3-certbot-apache mod_ssl

Add VirtualHost in httpd.conf file

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

then add following lines in httpd.conf file

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/usr/ictfax"

restart Apache service

service httpd restart

Now that Certbot is installed, you can use it to request an SSL certificate for your domain.

certbot --apache

To install above requirements, first of all we need to install their respective repositories

disable the current PHP version

yum module disable php:7.2

Install Remi-repo

yum install dnf-utils

enable the PHP Remi 7.4

yum module enable php:remi-7.4

install the Okey repository for FreeSWITCH from this link

rpm -ivh

Install ICT-Release

yum install

download ICTCore package by yum command directly.

yum install ictcore ictcore-fax ictcore-email ictcore-voice ictcore-freeswitch

download ICTFax from Yum command.

yum install ictfax --nodeps

Install FastCGI Process Manager

yum install php php-fpm php-gd php-mysqlnd

configure the document root in apache “/usr/ictfax”Open the apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and then search for document root. replace existing document /usr/ictbroadcast/wwwroot to /usr/ictfax and save the file.

uncomment “LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/” and comment this line “LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/” from this file /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf

change PHP_ADMIN_VALUE open_basedir line into

SetEnv PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir = /usr/ictcore/:/usr/bin:/bin:/tmp/"

install Imagic

yum install -y ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
pecl install imagick
echo "" > /etc/php.d/imagick.ini

install mcrypt

yum install--enablerepo=epel php-devel php-pear libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel
pecl install mcrypt
echo '' > /etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini

install imap

yum install php-imap

disable selinux

setenforce 0

restart the apache service
restart php-fpm service

service httpd restart
service php-fpm restart

install the ictfax database

USE ictfax;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ictfax.* TO ictfaxuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'plsChangeIt';
source /usr/ictcore/db/database.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/email.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/fax.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/voice.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_user.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_admin.sql;
source /usr/ictcore/db/data/demo_users.sql;

Open the file /etc/ictcore.conf and find out the [db] section and replace user, password and database name in the following lines:

user = ictfaxuser
pass = plsChangeIt
name = ictfax

Run following command for email to fax configuration

cd /usr/ictcore/bin/sendmail

configure the email-2-fax and fax-2-service, following the guide “4. EMAIL TO FAX / FAX TO EMAIL SERVICE (OPTIONAL)” from this link

echo "ictcore">> /etc/mail/trusted-users
echo "apache">> /etc/mail/trusted-users
echo "FAX_DOMAIN.COM">> /etc/mail/local-host-names
echo '@FAX_DOMAIN.COM ictcore'>> /etc/mail/virtusertable

to apply email related changes


restart sendmail service so changes can take affect

chkconfig sendmail on
service sendmail restart

in case if document not uploading then install “libtiff-tools” package

yum install libtiff-tools

How to start and stop the FreeSWITCH

run this command “freeswitch -nc” for background run

delete pid of FreeSWITCH to stop the FreeSWITCH service

ps -A | grep freeswitch
19892 freeswitch
kill -919892

enter into freeswitch


enable sip debug

sofia global siptrace on

Additional Configuration

update listen_ip with in /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml file

restart freeswitch with service command

by-default freeswitch will not restart with

service freeswitch restart

command in cenots 8 / rocky linux 8. Therefore install the following codes for it

cat <<EOF | sudotee /etc/systemd/system/freeswitch.service
; service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/freeswitch-ncwait ${DAEMON_OPTS}
; exec

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start freeswitch
sudo systemctl enable freeswitch

Install SSL Certificate

To add the CentOS 8 EPEL repository, run the following command:

yum install epel-release

Now that you have access to the repository, install all of the required packages:

 yum install certbot python3-certbot-apache mod_ssl

Add VirtualHost in httpd.conf file

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

then add following lines in httpd.conf file

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/usr/ictfax"

restart Apache service

service httpd restart

Now that Certbot is installed, you can use it to request an SSL certificate for your domain.

certbot --apache

First Fax

Sending First FAX

  • Login as admin
  • Add gateway / trunk for outgoing fax at “Administration” => “Provider Trunks”
  • Send new fax via “Send Fax” => “New Outbound Fax” or via email2fax
  • From user registration email address send an email with following values
  • To: faxnumber@FAX_DOMAIN.COM
  • Subject: Anything
  • Body:
  • Attachment: pdf file

Send Fax

Receiving First FAX

  • Point DIDs to fax server
  • Configure freeswitch to receive traffic for this DID provider.
  • Usually only IP address of the DID provider is sufficient to be added in ACL.
  • In Web GUI login as admin
  • Add incoming did number at “DID Numbers” => “Add DID”
  • Assign a DID number to user from “DID Number” => “Assign”
  • Click on “Settings” => “Incoming Numbers”
  • Forward fax by selecting “Forward” and select “Fax to Email”
  • Send test fax to selected did

Receive Fax

Useful links

Starting with REST APIs for FAX Starting with REST APIs for FAX

Complete REST API Guide for ICTFax Complete REST API Guide for ICTFax