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Open-source faxing software based on T.38 protocol

Faxing is a crucial communication tool for businesses, and despite the rise of digital communication, it remains an essential component of many industries. However, traditional fax machines can be costly and require dedicated phone lines. That’s why many...

ICTFax, an advance SIP Fax server software

ICTFax is an advanced SIP fax server software that offers a reliable and efficient solution for faxing over IP networks. It is powerful VoIP fax server that allows users to send and receive faxes using a standard web browser. ICTFax support both T.38 and G.711 faxing...

The ICT Agent, a Google Chrome extension

The ICT Agent (a Google Chrome extension) integrates your ICTCore into Chrome to click-to-dial any number which is visible on web page functionality. Just click a number from a website or email while using Google Chrome and the number will dial automatically from your...